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Let's Talk

Serving Lakewood, Littleton, Englewood

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About Me.....

I've been gardening since I was old enough to crawl in the dirt and have a special passion for growing things and for nature. One of my earliest memories is playing with worms.


I took a Master Gardener class in 1989 and that was my foot in the door to the professional horticulture business. 


I've been a garden center manager, commercial greenhouse grower, vegetable farmer and personal gardener in places like Aspen, Colorado and Kona, Hawaii. My last endeavor was the horticulture manager at the Western Colorado Botanic Gardens in Grand Junction. I've taught countless numbers of folks the joy of growing plants.


I moved to this side of the mountain to be closer to family and love it here. The climate is wonderful and the soil fertile.


I'm also an artist and do photos, digital art, watercolors and drawings. Flowers and gardens are my favorite subject!



So many plants- So little time!

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